Colin Kaepernick and Diddy In Talks To Buy The Carolina Panthers?


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Boy, when this notification came up on my phone I dropped my mouth in awe. It seemed unreal, yet plausible at the same time. The news broke on Sunday that Diddy had expressed interest in buying the Carolina Panthers. The Panthers are being put on sale following an investigation into workplace harassment allegations against team founder Jerry Richardson. Diddy, a Howard University Alumnus, announced his interest in buying the Panthers on his Twitter page.

A day later Diddy’s NFL ownership ambitions were matched by an interesting sutor, former San Francisco 49ers Quarterback turned activist Colin Kaepernick. He tweeted to Diddy that he’d be interested in joining an ownership group to make the purchase happen. Already interesting enough, Golden State Warriors superstar Point Guard Stephen Curry expressed his interest simpily tweeting, “I want in!”

If Diddy is able to pull off purchasing the Carolina Panthers, this would me momentous! It would be a step forward in black entrepreneurship and show us that we can use our artistic expression as a way to create wealth for ourselves and multiply it by diversifying into different mediums. For Kaepernick, the benefit for him would be that he finally gets to have the last laugh. Nevertheless, I love where we’re going with black empowerment and entrepreneurship in 2017! We all definitely should keep an eye out on how this plays out!


  1. “Diddy spearheads dream team banking on NFL ownership.” South China Morning Post, 18 Dec. 2017,
  2. Bieler, Des, and Cindy Boren. “Colin Kaepernick tweets that he wants to join Diddy in buying the Panthers.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 18 Dec. 2017,



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