Colin Kaepernick & Other Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Kappas


Colin Kaepernick & Other Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Kappas

Happy Founders Day to the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated! The fraternity was founded as Kappa Alpha Nu on the night of January 5, 1911 by ten African-American college students. The decision upon the name Kappa Alpha Nu may have been to honor the Alpha Kappa Nu club which began in 1903 on the Indiana University campus. The founders of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. are: Elder Watson Diggs, most affectionately known as ‘The Dreamer’, Dr. Ezra D. Alexander, Dr. Byron Kenneth Armstrong, Atty. Henry Tourner Asher, Dr. Marcus Peter Blakemore, Paul Waymond Caine, George Wesley Edmonds, Dr. Guy Levis Grant, Edward Giles Irvin, and Sgt. John Milton Lee.

Here are 5 celebrities you might or might not know are brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated!

  1. Colin Kaepernick, Celebrity Activist and Former San Francisco 49ner

The football star turned activist that sparked the  national anthem protest can definitely set off a stroll! Colin pledged the Xi Phi chapter at the University of Nevada, Reno!

  1. Lecrae, Grammy Award Winning Rapper

The Gospel Rap Superstar is a Kappa man as well! Definitely didn’t expect this! He pledged the Eta Gamma chapter at Middle Tennessee State University!

  3) Nephew Tommy, Comedian & Steve Harvey Morning Show Co-Host

The King of Prank Phone Calls, taking the crown from Omega man Rickey Smiley, is a Kappa man! On his Uncle Steve Harvey’s Morning Show Steve, a proud member of Omega Psi Phi, often has Greek back and forths with Nephew Tommy that are hilarious!

    4) Wilt Chamberlin, NBA Hall of Famer

We actually even found a picture of the legend throwing up the sign! Wow!

   5) Reginald Lewis, Businessman

Kappa Man Reginald Lewis was the first entreprenuer to have a $1 billion black own business!


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