Michelle Obama’s Apperance at George H.W. Bush’s Funeral Shows That A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words


As America honors the recent passing of our past president, President George H.W. Bush, there seems to be a bit of a scuffle with our line of current and past presidents…

It was reported that former president Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama shook hands with the Trump couple, however the Clintons… Yikes.

It was spotted that former president Bill Clinton shook hands with first lady Melania Trump, however Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not having it tonight! Although it was such a touching yet sentimental moment for the Bush family, the line of presidency tonight were preparing for another funeral if President Trump were to act out yet again. But don’t worry, Trump will be handled perfectly once Robert Mueller continues to sing to National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn… Will Trump finally be impeached after Mueller sings to the heavens once more? I’m sure Hillary would be thrilled to find out also….

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