California Highway named after President Obama


In 2017, California Senator Anthony J. Portantino announced that Legislation approved the resolution to rename a portion of the 134 freeway in Los Angles County after our 44th president. The freeway will now be known as “President Barack H. Obama Highway”. President Obama used this portion of California’s highway to travel back and forth from Pasadena to Occidental College 1979-1980. He attended Occidental during his freshman and sophomore year, where he then transferred to Columbia University in New York. 

“It is so important that California highlights the dignity of President Obama.  His direct connection to Southern California in general and to the 134 freeway specifically makes this the appropriate and exciting place to recognize his tremendous accomplishments and the Presidential manner in which he led our country.” – John Gallogly

The new signs have been spotted in December 2018 and there will more to come in 2019.  Talk about making history! 




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