OVERFLOW: Bennett College Raises $8.2 Million Dollars To Maintain Accreditation


You know what’s so amazing about what I do here at HBCU Pulse. I’m covering breaking news that broke on HBCU Pulse! The dichotomy here is amazing! As first reported on HBCU Pulse Instagram Live by Miss Bennett College Brooke Kane, Bennett College has exceeded it’s mark of $5 million dollars that’s needed to maintain its accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools! This comes after a month long social media campaign aptly titled #standwithbennett.

This news is so amazing for us here at HBCU Pulse because we’ve been on top of this story from the day that we heard that Bennett could possibly lose its accreditation and close its doors! This story became personal for me. Speaking with the Belles about what Bennett College meant to them gave me a sense of purpose. I became obsessed with figuring out what I could do to aid in the maintaining of Bennett’s accreditation. I wasn’t in a position to donate money so I, in turn, used all of our outlets to give these amazing women a voice to address the world about why this oasis of black girl magic deserved to be saved.

This should be a lesson to everyone, especially media personalities and owners in the HBCU space. We must stand by all HBCUs. And, I charge all media outlets to continue to post news and updates about Bennett College. The fight isn’t over! We must continue to tell her story and give the Belles a platform to be heard by the world!


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