Fort Valley State University Releases Candidates Vying For 2019-2020 Student Leader Positions


It’s just about that time! Campaign season is approaching and Fort Valley State University is hosting it’s annual Royal Court Showcase on February 13th. Recently, FVSU Office of Campus Life released the full list of who’s running for student leadership at FVSU. The list goes as follows and the elections are February 25-March 1!

Candidate Name                                                                       Position

Ronnie Lawson                                                                         Class King (Sophomore)

Antonio Dwanye Bunkley jr                                                       Class King (Sophomore)

Chardarius Fambro                                                                    Class King (Senior)

Yatile B. Patterson                                                                     Class King (Junior)

Janei Dortilus                                                                             Class Queen (Sophomore)

Brittany Robinson                                                                      Class Queen (Senior)

Josie Williams                                                                            Class Queen (Senior)

Kianna Anderson                                                                       Class Queen (Junior)

Takandris Jordan                                                                       Class Queen (Junior)

Khyia D. Brown                                                                          Miss FVSU

Tykerriah Moore                                                                         Miss FVSU

Raven Wright                                                                             Miss FVSU

Kederick Quimbley                                                                     Mister FVSU

Ryan Thurman                                                                           Mister FVSU

Aries Grandberry                                                                       SGA Assistant Secretary

Alexander Lowe                                                                        SGA Business Manager

DeAndre Reddick                                                                      SGA Chief Justice

Ny’Tia Dupree                                                                           SGA Chief Justice

J’Lan Day                                                                                  SGA President

Kierra Beale                                                                               SGA Secretary

Johnathan Jones                                                                       SGA Vice President

Derod Moore                                                                             SGA Vice President

Voting starts on February 28 and ends on March 1st! We will be your home for FVSU elections, as we will give you up-to-date info on what’s occurring! We also have take overs planned for the HBCU Pulse Instagram for the FVSU Candidates that we will be announcing the week of elections! Stay tuned

Make sure to check out “A Queen’s Pain” and “Election Season: The Story of True HBCU Queens”, about the election process at HBCUs!

Order “A Queen’s Pain” at our HBCU Pulse store! Or, you can order it on Amazon!


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