FVSU SGA President Alexander Lowe’s 5 Phase Plan For Administration


Tonight I address you with an intense level of importance, our beloved institution Fort Valley State University needs every single one of us to ensure its success. While Fort Valley is more than the place to be, I think we all have become acutely aware of the challenges we face.

This is our time, this is our year. In history, the biggest changes come from our age group. We live in a realm of so much possibility. We have reached a point in our lives where we make decisions that affect many people around us and can further propel our own lives into a direction never matched before. We control the atmosphere and the tone on campus. We are the ones to make the voices of the student body heard.

I challenge us to turn our ideas into action, motivate each other, and engage with ALL of Fort Valley State University. I ask nothing short of something monumentous from us, but I have full faith in the intentionality of our administration.

Currently, we have a Five Phase plan. We have reached the final actions of Phase 1, getting all the positions together and defining a tentative homecoming schedule before the summer.

As we transition into the summer we step into Phase 2, increasing our social media engagement and network. We will be putting together bios of all our leaders and reinvigorating our Twitter and Instagram to readily connect with the student body. Featuring information such as events, state of affairs, what each committee is working on, exploits of the Royal Court, and so much more.

Phase 3, facilitating an active and engaged campus. A President’s Round table focused on the collaboration of ALL Registered Student Organizations across the institution. A consistent structure of Senate meetings, polling the student body, working in committees, and taking care of business.

In Phase 4, we will bring a unique focus to entrepreneurship. The creation of the FVSU Student Chamber of Commerce will educate students on how to build businesses and create revenue streams that will alter the trajectory of their lives. These students would then be able to vend at a recurring event of the working title, Hustle Fridays. Hustle Fridays will be a time of cultural celebration uniting the entire campus for food, fun, and much more.

Lastly, Phase 5, we must cement our work forever in history and ensure the success of the administrations to come. Everyone must take part in educating the next student leaders, as well as documenting all ideas, challenges, and successes.

WE will be a different Taste in the Valley. An administration focusing on moving Froward. A Forward Administration. Again thank you for your committment I am excited for the year as we move Forward to the Future!


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