King Combs Makes An Appearance At 2022 Aggie-Eagle Classic With CDK On The Mic


HBCUs are prime destinations for celebrity pop-ups and this Saturday was no different. CDK On The Mic, voted #1 HBCU Host in America in 2020 in HBCU Buzz’s first top host contest, is synonymous with celebrity and influencer culture. CDK utilized his extensive contacts and substantial connections to bring down rapper King Combs to appear at the 2022 Aggie-Eagle Classic.


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 Aggie-Eagle is one of the most well-known classics in the nation. The rivalry between North Carolina A&T and North Carolina Central is deep, which causes the on the field matchups to always be must see. But, the culture of an HBCU Classic is what always takes the win. The King Combs appearance aided in this. King Combs hosted a meet-and-greet before the game with several of his biggest supporters from both North Carolina based HBCUs. CDK then introduced him during one of the timeouts in which King Combs did a quick performance.

Moments like this are forever synonymous with HBCU culture. Influencers such as CDK On The Mic aid in continuing the tradition of excellence and excitement in our culture. Hosts and entertainers and our HBCUs have always been important and many go on to achieve their dreams and succeed as stars in the industry. HBCUs are their training ground, preparing them for the future to come. This was an amazing moment facilitated by CDK and we can’t wait to see more of what’s to come.

Disclaimer: CDK On The Mic serves as an official host for HBCU Pulse as well as a content partner for HBCU Pulse LLC.


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