Three Saint Augustine’s University Students Selected As Stanford University Innovation Fellows


Three Saint Augustine’s University Students were recently selected to join a prestigious fellowship.

Kevin Collins, Marcus Davis, and Peter Musenge joined 242 students from 63 higher education institutions in America to become Standford University Fellows. Collins & Davis are in SAU’s Public Administration Master’s Degree program and Musenge is a Senior Biology and Engineering Mathematics double major. They are Saint Augustine’s University’s first students to be a part of this program, sponsored by Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design ( and Google.

“Reimagining SAU involves empowering our student leaders to serve as co-creators of current and future student experiences,” said President Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail in a news release by Saint Augustine’s University. “The inclusion of our students into the University Innovation Fellows program aligns with our institution’s mission, vision, and strategic initiatives to bring diversity in innovation and entrepreneurship.”

According to the website from Stanford, “The University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program empowers students around the world to become agents of change in higher education. Fellows create opportunities that help their peers unlock their creative potential and develop the design-centered mindset required to take on complex challenges in today’s world.” During the Fellowship, the students serve as representatives of their university in the global conversation of the future of education. The University Innovation Fellows are afforded tools and resources to achieve their goals as well as online and in-person meet-ups with fellows and heads of the program. They also receive year-round mentorship.

The UIF program teaches students about design-centered thinking while empowering them to become change agents for their respective universities. Design thinking is a way to define and solve tough challenges, the news release from Saint Augustine’s University states. 

Kevin Collins spoke about the responsibilities of the UIF Fellows, saying, “Part of our challenge as University Innovation Fellows is to look at the needs of our campus and determine where we can provide some innovation.”

Visit Saint Augustine’s Website to learn more about the UIF Fellowship and SAU’s involvement in the program.

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