Tips on How to Refocus after Homecoming Season


For HBCUs, homecoming season is a big deal. The large gathering of thousands of proud college students and graduates is like one big family reunion. The HBCU community gathering is similar to when you link up with your favorite cousins and your favorite aunties who might slide you that “Don’t Mention It” $20 dollar bill in your back pocket. We can all agree that no matter which HBCU you may attend, you are guaranteed to have a hectic, high-traffic week during homecoming.

Hosting so many events with crowds coming from all across the country causes homecoming to be quite overwhelming and refocusing once all the festivities are over can be a challenge. Here are five tips to readjust after homecoming.

1. Take a Mental Health Day

Many people feel overstimulated during Homecoming from the large crowds, loud music, and constant partying that takes place. Homecoming is a tradition that everyone should enjoy but is still very demanding on attending events from sunup till sundown. Choose a day where you can get away from all the madness to relieve the stress you may be feeling. Do activities that bring you peace and relax your mind and body. This may include journaling, painting, going for a scenic walk or talking to friends. It’s important to partake in the things that make you happy to avoid the feelings of burnout which can lead to other stress-related problems.

2. Go Over your Syllabus and Class Schedules

After focusing on having fire fits and a lit homecoming for a week you can forget what is really important: your education. In college, there are so many distractions that can lead you away from your purpose of why you are there in the first place. It’s easy to forget upcoming projects or papers that are due at 11:59. So take the time to go over upcoming class assignments and the syllabus to make sure you don’t miss any important grades or class updates. You might have forgotten about class on Monday but trust me your professors haven’t.

3.Go to the library

Campus libraries are your best friend after homecoming season. During homecoming, you probably skipped a class or two to enjoy the festivities, but now it’s time to catch up on anything that you may have missed. The environment of libraries boosts productivity so you can work freely with no distractions. Completing a little bit of work each day will keep you on top of assignments and even ahead so you have more time to enjoy other activities.

4. Get Back on a Sleep Schedule

As mentioned earlier homecoming is a time when you wake up early to beat long lines and go to sleep late from campus parties. Don’t forget to catch up on the sleep you may have missed. You’re not your best when you are tired; set time aside for necessary naps to be the best you. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious issues like depression, stress and anxiety. Your brain functions best when well rested; you can lose focus when you are tired. Don’t neglect your needs no matter how busy you may be your health comes first. Tips for a good night’s rest include: reducing screen time, taking a relaxing bath or managing worries that may keep you up at night.

5.Get Back in Check with Yearly Goals

A good way to reset is to check back in with your goals. Write a list of things you would like to accomplish before the school year is over. Homecoming is the midpoint of when the year is halfway done. After appreciating all that you have accomplished so far, set more goals for yourself. Be proud of how far you have come because the sky’s the limit so never limit yourself on what you can do! Setting goals helps guide your focus with self-driven motivation.

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