Service To All Mankind: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Donates $100,000 To Bennett College


Talk about coming through in the clutch! As I write this Bennett College is one day away from reaching their deadline to raise $5 million dollars in the hopes of maintaining their accreditation, granted by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). It’s been a fight to gather attention for this amazing cultivator of Black Girl Magic. I know personally here at HBCU Pulse we’ve made it our mission to give the Belles such as Brooke Kane, Miss Bennett College, a platform to address the nation about why they need support to keep their HBCU open.

Within the past week, Bennett has received an outpouring of support from mainstream media outlets and corporate donor bodies. Papa John’s donated $500.000 to the HBCU on last Thursday, giving the #standwithbennett supporters the hope that we can pull off this miraculous feat. Now, less than a week later, we see that Bennett has another noteworthy donor. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated has decided to donate $1,000 to the college, pushing Bennett closer to its goal of $5 million dollars. Bennett has received over $1 million dollars of donations since last Thursday!

As reported on HBCU Buzz:

Bennett College President Dr. Phyllis Worthy Dawkins was notified of the gift in a letter from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. International President Dr. Glenda Glover, who said the sorority wanted to support Bennett because of its national goal to support and make an impact on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The endowment will be presented at a Black History Month gathering of HBCU presidents at Alpha Kappa Alpha’s International Headquarters in Chicago.

“As an HBCU graduate and someone who has dedicated my life’s work to the HBCU community, I personally know the impact that establishing an endowment has on a student’s enrollment or graduation prospects,” said Glover. “Our organization has established the AKA-HBCU Endowment Fund with the goal of investing in the future of our young people and the sustainability of our treasured Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Over the next four years, we have pledged to donate a total of $10 million towards the endowment. We are honored to provide Bennett College with their full endowment immediately to support their fundraising goals.”

If this isn’t living by the creed of “Service And Scholarship To All Mankind” I don’t know what is! Then, a day after celebrating J29, the day that Alpha Kappa Alpha was incorporated! Great job ladies! We’re still not done though! Bennett needs all the support we can give it! Keep donating!


Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. To Present Bennett College With $100,000 Endowment (HBCU Buzz)



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