Looking For HBCU Students To Work With HBCU Pulse!


We’ve reached the midpoint of the year! Spring Break is around the corner and midterms week for a lot of us is in our rearview mirror. Election weeks at HBCUs around the nation are quickly passing by and SGA and Royal Courts are starting to take form! HBCU Pulse is committed to being the heart of HBCU Life and being the outlet that represents HBCU Students and our collective interests. So, we’re opening up applications to join the HBCU Pulse team.

HBCU Pulse recently recognized as an accredited LLC by the Secretary of State’s office for Georgia and has a business license. We also tens of thousands of HBCU students daily with our posts. This opportunity to join the team is a resume builder and even a way to create a job for yourself in the future. HBCU Pulse aims to build a team of the best and brightest writers and personalities in the HBCU world so we can use this outlet to collectively build our names and brand. So, we made a page where you can apply to be a part of our team and also apply to do an IG Takeover!

All of these positions at this point don’t have a set salary. However, money can be made through whole-selling “A Queen’s Pain” and other HBCU Pulse products.

Here’s the positions that we’re looking for!

  • HBCU Pulse Public Relations Interns

The HBCU Pulse Public Relations Team works in conjunction with Randall Barnes, the founder of HBCU Pulse, on promotion of the brand of HBCU Pulse and the “Queen” book series properties. The Public Relation team will help with coming up with campaigns, messaging and tactics to engage our following and growing the following. The Public Relations Team will work in tandem with the Pulse Social Media Interns to come up with different social media campaigns and strategies to grow the audience of HBCU Pulse, increase awareness for HBCU Pulse outside of social media and ramp up sales for HBCU Pulse merchandise. The Public Relation team will assist in content creation and posting on HBCU Pulse social media platforms on a consistent basis (2-3 times on Twitter, 2-3 times on Instagram with possibility of more). 

    • Must be adept at social media and active on their own social media platforms
    • Must be active on social media
    • Must be aware of HBCU Culture & pop culture happenings that concern or are of interest to black college students
    • Must be in good standing with their universities at all times
    • Must be consistent
    • Must be a good communicator
    • Must be willing to multitask
    • Must answer text messages/phone calls/DMs from HBCU Pulse
    • Must be trustworthy
  • HBCU Pulse Graphic Design Interns

The HBCU Pulse Graphic Design intern works to create content deliverable for HBCU Pulse and the “Queen” series properties. This position is important, as it helps with the branding of HBCU Pulse and the “Queen” series.

    • Must be adept at social media and active on their own social media platforms
    • Must be active on social media
    • Must be aware of HBCU Culture & pop culture happenings that concern or are of interest to black college students
    • Must be in good standing with their universities at all times
    • Must be consistent and willing to work on a daily basis
    • Must be a good communicator
    • Must be willing to multitask
    • Must answer text messages/phone calls/DMs from HBCU Pulse
    • Must be trustworthy

HBCU Pulse Team Application

What Posistion Are You Interested In?

What Social Media Websites Are You Active On/Proficient in?(required)

HBCU Pulse Instagram Takeover Application


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