Grownish: Zoey Gets A Reality Check (Season 2 Catch Up Recap)


Behind every cause, shortly following afterwards is an effect and the first few episodes of Freeforms hit show “Grownish” have shown that.

Since Zoey hasn’t been doing well in school, her father took some of her privileges.
Since Zoey has no source of income, she was forced to get a job.
Since Zoey picked Luca over Aaron, Aaron decided to date Ana.
Since Zoey felt a way about Aaron and Ana, she unfriended Ana.

These are just a few examples and let’s just say, Zoey hasn’t really been on her P’s and Q’s lately. Can we really blame her though? College is the ultimate struggle, Yes, college is the time for you to go out on your own and freely experiment a million different things but Zoey could’ve played every card she was dealt differently. She is the only character in this show that seems to run into a problem with everything and everyone.

Aside from Zoey and her problems, we have the twins, Sky and Jazz. From season 1 to season 2, the twins are still the headstrong part of their friend-group. The twins are gracefully moving through their sophomore year while giving Zoey the best and most reasonable advice. Luca remains in the same state he was in in season 1. He is borderline careless but his heart is pure. Weird mix, right? He makes it look good with his sense in style though! Not only did Luca stay the same but so did Vivek. His hustler spirit is still at 100%.

Ana is still just as fragile as ever. We see that her newfound relationship with Aaron is showing a softer side of her that we didn’t see much of in the first season. Aaron is one character that we can definitely say changed… A LOT! He is a lot more mature about everything and he needed that. Nomi has and always will be that friend to keep it real with you but never want to be addressed when it comes to her own personal situations and that’s a friend that everyone comes across eventually.
So yes, if you’re wondering, Grownish season 2 is a reality check, a time to grow, and time to find out who you really are. Everything showcased in this show, is realistic and impacts college students across the nation. If you’ve watched season 1 then don’t hesitate to watch season 2! More entertainment than ever and you won’t be disappointed.


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