The Originator: Alcorn Student Created The “I’m Lit” Dance (Full Story & Proof)


Dear HBCU Pulse and all other HBCU networks. About 6 years, my senior year of high school. Me and my homies created this lil dance move and we called it “Poot Fot”. Just some funny, cool shit.

That next Fall semester, I enrolled as a freshman at Thee Alcorn State University. My section leader caught me doing this lil dance crave while crabbing under the process of T.O.P. (Alcorn’s Drum Section), and he asked me to do it in front of the entire band. The band caught on, some students, then one day I met some cool cats on campus like
@SuperStarSwazy and  @TheLegendary_AG along with a few of my partners from Natchez. In this article, you’ll witness the very day that the routine “Poot Fot”/Throw That Bih slide inside great gates of The Reservation Jackson State, Grambling and whomever else.

We do appreciate the shoutout and the process of catching on and making it go viral, but’s it’s a way to do it. No beef. Just pay tribute to home. Sorry for the long message. But this should clear it up for good. ✊🏾 Oh yeah, and it got super serious over my dance after I seen it on TV, but carry on. 


Follow TaDerrius on Twitter: @2choos

Update: Mc Fiji, Grambling alumnus and the featured artist on the “I’m Lit” song admitted that Alcorn started the dance! This case is closed ladies and gentleman!

Note: This is the history of the dance itself with receipts. Grambling comes in to play with the song that people are doing the dance to. A friend of HBCU Pulse, Grambling’s very own SGA Chief of Staff Ashley Dabney, shared with me that the song “I’m Lit” features Grambling alumnus Mc. Fiji!



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