Nominate Your Favorite HBCU and Student Leaders For The 2019 HBCU Pulse Student Choice Awards


Often times at our institutions, we deal with recognition problems. As student leaders, we feel as if our contributions to the campus are looked over if we’re not Greek or in a position. As students of smaller and lesser known HBCUs, we feel as if our institutions don’t get the respect they deserve for the educational and social experiences they provide. Well, we now have a solution. Here at HBCU Pulse, we’ve created the 2019 HBCU Pulse Student Choice Awards! Our goal is to change the narrative and honor the students at HBCUs that doing the right thing and putting in work to better their campus and their lives!

I aspire to do this awards show every year as a way to give back to HBCU students. Mr. Thomas Dortch and his National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame organization have really inspired me. I aim to award students and grant them life-changing opportunities via HBCU Pulse as we continue in our growth in the coming years. However, we have to start somewhere. And, we’re starting today.

Nominate your HBCU and students who you think could compete and win in these categories. The nomination period starts on October 14th and ends on October 24th!

The Following Are The Categories For Awards! Kings & Queens, scroll past the nomination form for a special message!

  • Best Dressed King

The Kings have been coming with the Drip something serious this year! Now, it’s time to decide once and for all who is the best dressed king in the nation!

  • Best Dressed Queen

The Queens have been looking like Disney Princesses all Fall! Now, it’s time to pick one Queen that deserves to be on the runway with her fashion on the yard and the football field!

  • Best Dressed SGA President

The SGA Presidents are about business but, as you can see down your Instagram feed, they know how to step out just like the Royal Court! Who do you think drips the hardest?

  • Most Impressive SGA President

The role of the SGA President is to represent the students, advocate for change on their campus and make sure the campus maintains productive and lively energy! Which Head Honcho has done this the most effectively to start off the school year?

  • Favorite HBCU Student Social Media Influencer

There are some students that are incredibly adept at social media! They go viral every day and end up reposted on every HBCU social media page you can find! Who’s your favorite HBCU Student Social Media and why are they the best at what they do?

  • Most Social Media Savvy HBCU

This HBCU always keeps the timeline jumping! They make other HBCUs jealous with how lit they look on Instagram and Twitter. Plus, you don’t want to get into a beef with this HBCU because they’ll roast you with no hesitation. Which HBCU has social media on lock?

  • Most Slept On HBCU

There are 101 HBCUs in the nation but it seems like the same 5-10 are always talked about in the media. This award is meant to shine a light on the livest HBCU that never gets recognition for their greatness and student experience! Which HBCU do you think people should stop sleeping on?

  • Best Homecoming

Homecoming season is almost over and HBCUs took it to another level with the turn-up! Who had the best Homecoming this year? We’re looking at the lineup and the experience!

  • Homecoming MVP

It seems like DaBaby, Gunna and Megan Thee Stallion have been performing at everyone’s homecoming! The 85 South Show have been popping out as well! However, which artist/comedians defined Homecoming season this year?

  • Best HBCU Pulse Takeover

I know you’ve been watching the takeovers heavy since we started doing them on Pulse last year! We’ve had nearly every HBCU represented in the story! Now, which one do you think was the most lit? Let us know!

  • The HBCU Pulse Founder’s Choice Award (Given To Students Chosen By Me, not to be voted on)

This award will be picked by me, the founder of HBCU Pulse. It’ll be given to the students on campus that might or might not get the recognition they do for the work that they put in. Stay on your toes because you might just win!

Homecoming MVP(required)

Best HBCU Pulse Takeover(required)


This section after the nomination form is FOR CAMPUS KINGS & QUEENS ONLY (Only Misters & Misses of their university, ex. Mister Fort Valley State, Miss Coppin State, etc.)! 

After meeting the current campus Kings and Queens at NASAP and seeing their amazing work at NBCAHOF Weekend, I was motivated to start an initiative for the Royal Courts around the nation. My goal is to promote the gallantry and work that HBCU Royal Courts do. Because of this, we’ve started two different competitions for the Kings and Queens around the nation.

  • The Raynetta Duram Campaign Season Competition (In Partnership With BeYOUniquellyWE)

In our book “A Queen’s Pain”, Raynetta Duram had to endure a turbulent road in her campaign for Miss Laketon State University. Campaign season is where HBCU Students are at their most inventive, as they come up with creative ways to convince their peers to vote them as their next campus representative. In itself, these are marketing campaigns that rival that of professionals in the entertainment industry and business world. We use this creativity for free with no gain outside of recognition for our HBCUs in various competitions. However, we want to change the narrative.

We charge the Queens to use that same creativity to promote the “A Queen’s Pain” book series. Participating Queens will be given a discount code to push out to their followers to get them to purchase the book from The Queen who sells the most books will receive a cash prize and a free customized crown box from Lindley Mayer Productions. The second and third place queens will also get cash prizes a discount on a crown box ! Sign up below and, if you have any questions or concerns please email [email protected] or just text Randall Barnes!

  • More Than A Crown King Competition 

In a video shoot with Mister Fort Valley State University Ryan Thurman, he impromptuly spoke to young men from Drew Charter High School about dressing for success at an HBCU. I recorded video of it and released it on HBCU Pulse and it got rave reviews, as people were commending Ryan for being a positive representation for young black men. This is the epitome of what being a King is about! So, I’ve partnered with Mr. Thurman for the “More Than A Crown” King Competition, an extension of his campaign platform “Make Your Mark”.

This competition will charge HBCU Kings around the nation to put together a video explaining how they’ve utilized their platform on campus and in the community to make their mark on campus. Winners will receive a cash prize among another prize for the quality of the video and the explanation of the positivity they are bringing to their campus. 

Kings & Queens, if you’re interested in the competition please sign up below! Deadline is October 25th!


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