The HBCU Experience: Koereyelle Dubose, Educator & Serial Entrepreneur, Tennessee State University


In celebration of the release of the book “The HBCU Experience: Tennessee State University” book (out now), we got the chance to interview TSU alumnus and serial entrepreneur Koereyelle Dubose. Check it out!

Randall: Tell us about yourself!

Koreyelle Dubose: I’m an Educator and Serial Entrepreneur and I managed to turn my $32k teaching salary into a milti-six figure brands through developing muscle streams of income. I retired from the traditional classroom to teach black women around the world how to get paid using their existing skills through my online trade school, WERK University.

Randall: How did you end up at Tennessee State University?

Koreyelle Dubose: After moving from Illinois to Tennessee during my junior year of high school, TSU ended up on my list. Although I knew I wanted to attend an HBCU, I hadn’t heard of Tenn State until moving down South. One visit to the campus and I knew it was the place for me. The fact that I received a Presidential Scholarship and attended school for free was an added bonus!

Randall: What did you get your degree in? Did it support what you are doing now?

Koreyelle Dubose: My Bachelors degree is in Elementary Education and my Masters is in Curriculum & Instruction. This definitely set the stage for me to be able to create the coursework and design the content for my students today.

Randall: Can you give me a quick description of your years in college?

Koreyelle Dubose: My years at TSU were full of fun! During my freshman year, I started my own campus organization, a dance team called Lady Diamonds (after the all-guy group wouldn’t let me join) I had the pleasure of pledging the Alpha Psi chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. during my sophomore year and a great deal of my time and talent was dedicated to my beloved chapter for the duration of my tenure.

Randall: What year would you consider as your success year?

Koreyelle Dubose: The fact that I managed to maintain my scholarship, have the time of my life and develop myself personally made each year a success! I set specific goals for myself each year and as long as I accomplished it, I felt that my time was used wisely.

Randall: How did you start working with WERK University?

Koreyelle Dubose: I founded WERK University after retiring from the ‘empowerment’ industry and recognizing that what black women really needed was access to resources so they could stop relying on anyone outside of themselves for their survival. WERK U is my opportunity to show them that they already have the skills to pay the bills and they can monetize those skills right now.

Randall: Did you expect to be in the position you are in today? 

Koreyelle Dubose: Absolutely not! I had every intention of being in the classroom.

Randall: How do you feel your HBCU experience at Tennessee State University aid you in your success?

Koreyelle Dubose: My time at TSU definitely showed me the excellence in which black people can operate. It was a blessing to see someone just like me in every leadership role, in every office, every dorm, everywhere! It taught me that we are a self-sufficient people and it’s shown me the need for giving back and sowing seeds.

Randall: Tell us about your book The HBCU Experience: Tennessee State University

Koreyelle Dubose: Our book is a collection of stories that share the impact and influence of Tennessee State University from some of its successful alum from different eras. 

Randall: What’s next on your journey?

Koreyelle Dubose: I am excited to continue to impact the lives of women around the world by showing them that they already have everything they need to get everything they want as long as they are willing to WERK!



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