The HBCU Experience: Anthony Stevens, North Carolina A&T


Randall: How did you end up at your University/College?

Anthony: Somebody prayed for me. I very well could not have made it to NC A&T, but, there was something bigger than me in control. I now have three degrees and have never taken a standardized test. The closest I would say is a PSAT in high school.

Randall: What did you get your degree in? Did it support what you are doing now?

Anthony: At NC A&T I studied business administration, yes it does.

Randall: Can you give me a quick description of your years in college? 

Anthony: The best way to describe my years in college is non-traditional. I never had a freshman year as a transfer student, I was never assigned on campus housing, or a meal plan because I was initially a part-time student and working full-time.

Randall: What year would you consider as your success year?

Anthony: 2006

Randall: How did you start working in your current position?

Anthony: I always say that joining the board of directors for the DC Credit Union four years ago and getting my MBA at the George Washington University helped me to understand how I could mix my passion of service to others with a love for finance. So naturally, in January 2020 I reached out to Northwestern seeking an advisor for my own family. Coincidently, by March 2020 I was being offered a partnership opportunity.

Randall: Did you expect to be in the position you are in today? 

Anthony: Not at all. I always wondered what the private sector/Fortune 4&500 life was like but never saw myself in that world. Community organizing is all I’d ever allowed myself to do dating back to organizing campaigns in high school.

Randall: How do you feel your HBCU experience at North Carolina A&T State University aid you in your success?

Anthony: I feel my HBCU experience at North Carolina A&T State University aided me in my success by teaching me how to think and giving me something greater than myself to care for.

Randall: What’s next on your journey?

Anthony: Only time will tell. Personally/professionally, I am in a really place so long as I can keep my family healthy & safe.

Randall: Where can we find you?

Anthony: If I’m not in the house, I’m on the golf course getting a round in.

Twitter: @RIPHULQ 

Randall: Tell us about your book The HBCU Experience: The North Carolina A&T State University 2nd Edition?

Anthony: The HBCU Experience is an anthology. The North Carolina A&T State University second edition is a collection of essays/stories written by Aggies known through-out the world. Aggies who are doing great things in their careers, businesses, and communities nationally and internationally. There we’ve come together to share our stories and experiences of how North Carolina A&T State University has molded us into the people that we are today.



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