Diamond Mangrum Becomes 85th Miss NCAT And Other Results From North Carolina A&T

The student representatives for the largest public HBCU in terms of enrollment is set! NCAT’s Royal Court and SGA made waves this past year. Their Greatest Homecoming On Earth (GHOE) festivities were top line as always thanks to the planning and leadership of Dalaney Vandergrift and her SGA Executive Board. Jada Brown stood up for Bennett College and sparked a movement that had queens around the nation using their social media followings to push for donations towards the #standwithbennett movement. On top of it all, NCAT won the Celebration Bowl for the second year in a row and Jada Brown did a takeover for us to showcase their greatness. The new student representatives at NCAT have huge shoes to fill. However, I’m confident that they will more than live up to expectations!
  • Mister N.C. A&T-Armani May (@armanimay__)
  • Miss N.C. A&T-Diamond Mangrum (@dimeeee__)
  • VPIA- Courtney Baskerville (@bask_n_robs)
  • VPEA- Victoria Lawson
  • Attorney General-Brenda Caldwell
  • SGA Secretary- Aaliyah Wright
  • SGA President-Allison Gilmore
  • Elections Committee- Eliama Brown
  • Judicial Council-Chelsea Green
  • Senior Class President- Devin Henry (@DevTheChosen)
  • Senior Class VP- Kenyan Spurgeon
  • Senior Class Treasurer-Antonia Bruce
  • Miss Senior-Jordan Lisbon
  • Junior Class President-Kendall Rooks (@MareeRooks)
  • Mister Junior- Amauri Liles (@AmauriLiles1k)
  • Sophomore Class President-Verdant Julius
  • Sophomore Class VP- Lena Vans (@lenasantina)
  • Sophomore Class Secretary-Kenyana Rose
  • Miss Sophomore-Zaria Woodford (@ZariaWoodford_)


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