“Grown-ish” Tweakin’ Recap (Season 2, Episode 15)

GROWN-ISH - "Girls Like You" - When NomiÕs endless string of one-night stands starts to throw off the apartment dynamic, Zoey and Ana confront her. Aaron encourages Ana to let loose for a night and the friends all agree to check off an item from their bucket list. This episode of "grown-ish" airs Wednesday, Jan., 23 (8:00 8:31 P.M. EST) on Freeform. (Freeform/Kelsey McNeal) FRANCIA RAISA, TREVOR JACKSON

For last week’s episode of Grownish, all of our focus wasn’t on Zoey. After she had her reality check, things have been going pretty smoothly for her and we’re okay with that! She even tries to experience being “Luca high” for once. She deserves to be content within herself and her surroundings but we can’t really say the same for the rest of the characters. 

As we know, Aaron and Ana have been having their little “fling” going lately but no one necessarily established what they were going to title it. Through an entire episode of nothing but contemplation, we later see Aaron link up with another woman. They have their bar fun and eventually they end up at her house. Crazy, right? While Ana is chatting with her friends about putting her doubts and pride aside to officially confess her true feelings for him, that’s what he’s doing? But I must admit, Aaron knew what he was doing by going to her house and not taking her back to his because Ana definitely pulled up ready to say it all! Not to mention how the director decided to have viewers on an emotional rollercoaster. Viewers emotions were at an all time high, sitting at the edge of their seats  when we THOUGHT Ana was about to walk into Aaron and the “friend” laid up but then we all calmed down a little when we realized it wasn’t even real. The roller coaster didn’t stop there, we made it back to the top of it when they finally had their long awaited honesty hour and Aaron said he didn’t even want to be in a relationship! 

Wigs were snatched, hearts were broken, minds were confused. Will this be all for Aaron and Ana? Will Ana slide into a heart broken depressive state? Find out this upcoming Wednesday at 8:00 PM on Freeform.


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