10 Things That Every Freshman Should Know About College


The switch into college is typically a big change for incoming freshman, especially for a student attending a historically black college or university (HBCU). Beginning college is the crucial stage in life where you leave the comfort of your parents home and begin the transition to prosper into a young, independent adult. During college, there are many changes in life when trying to succeed and ultimately, find your way to the finish line (graduation) and a degree. One is faced with new situations, obstacles or emotions, that might inevitably teach or stint you. 

However, of the 7 billion people in the world, there is someone who has been in the same or similar situations that you are currently in right now. I was extremely nervous before heading to college! It’s fine to be nervous Those feelings are completely normal!

If you are that nervous king or queen about to head to an HBCU,  I’ve prepared a list of advice from my experience that has guided me along my collegiate years. (I feel EVERY student attending an HBCU should know, nervous or not!) Hopefully, these few tips can help ease the transition into college and make your upcoming collegiate years ones to remember.

GET ACQUAINTED: from the time you step on the campus of your new home, it is important to become acquainted. Get acquainted with the the area, the faculty, staff, students, etc. because these people will serve as resources you can utilize, and  possibly aid you in some type of way in the future. Just a simple “Hello, my name is _____”, could spark a lifelong relationship that could lead you to the door of success in the future (resources).

DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS: Do not be afraid to go out and seek the answers to your questions. No matter how small or irrelevant you think the question may be. If you don’t know where something is ASK! Not sure when dinner in the cafe begins? ASK! Looking for a specific professor? ASK! There is someone out there on campus who has an answer, you just have to be willing to get out there, take risks and get the answer. 

GET INVOLVED: While on campus, get involved in activities that interest you, even ones that don’t because you never know what you may spark an interest in. In addition, do not be afraid to join clubs and different organizations because this will help you to not only have fun and learn, but to meet people who have the same or similar interests as you.

TIME MANAGEMENT: Staying on top of your school work: Yes, college is fun, but staying on top of your school work is important. You stay out late, party but most important GRADUATE. In order to do so it is imperative that you stay on top of your school work, because education is the main reason you are in college. Manage your time in such a way that you have time for class and homework first, and fun & leisure second. Try to make it a point to go to the library an hour everyday to complete all assignments so the rest of your day (after class) is dedicated to fun and making memories. 

GET TO KNOW YOUR PROFESSORS OUTSIDE OF CLASS: If I could stress this tip 100 times I would! It is important to form a relationship with your professor because you never know how they could assist you in and even outside of the classroom (especially in your major of desired study).  They are responsible for making sure you are prepared for life (educationally) outside of the classroom, so forming a relationship with your teacher could possibly turn into them connecting you to a internship or job through their resources or even helping your grade out that extra .1 percent. Communication with your teacher could also be the difference between passing or failing or building a professional relationship with them wanting to help you out even more than as a professor. Sit in the front , make sure they see you and after class head to your professors office and have a quick chat with them!

PERFECT YOUR CRAFT: While you’re in school be dedicated to learning as much as you can and asking as many questions as you can pertaining to your craft . The expectation of jobs when you graduate is for you to have the knowledge needed to perform the task at hand with little to no needed help, so it is imperative that you act as a sponge and soak up all the information around you while there.

BE MINDFUL OF WHO IS WATCHING YOU: it follows. Please watch the image you portray of yourself while in college . It’s definitely okay to have tons of fun and unleash a bit but do it in such a way to where it’s not embarrassing to your parents and most importantly , yourself. In addition , be mindful of what you post on social media. It may not affect you that moment, but there is a possibility that it could hurt you in the future.

Last, but certainly not least on this list is to pray! As soon as your parents leave and you are in your room by yourself all alone, remember to pray. My believe in the power of prayer is strong, so in my opinion,  it’s essential that this made it on the list. Pray for safety, growth and success over your years there!


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